16 April 2020

Session 13: The Walking Dead

One Year Anniversary is coming up for the game.  We started this game on April 26th 2019.  Glad we kept it going.  Average of about once a month.  We started with Chris, Robbie and Bill.  Brought in Greg and then Andrew and Pete a bit later on.  Hope we can keep it going for a while longer.  You have only explored 40% of the 1st level :).

This is the first game we have played on Roll20.  It went very well.  I was happy that everyone joined and played along with me.  I think this is a good alternative but I prefer playing with real people and real dice.  Either way I will certainly play Roll20 again.

When we last played, which was in February, you were in one of the crypts, looting as usual when someone noticed a secret doorway.  You opened the door and saw piles of bones.  You also noticed a thick mist had formed on the ground in the next room.

The door opens and everyone takes some steps inside.  The room is big and connects to the west with the entrance to the crypts.  On the ground you see 7 piles of bones, they start to rise as you get near them. 3 of the skeletons go down and the rest are turned by the brave efforts of the fearless Gregiore.

After watching the skeletons shamble away in fear the others start moving towards the corridor to the south.  It is exceptionally dark and hard to see even with the torches and infra-vision.  As the group starts making their way down the hallway.  The crew stops once they see a meat-hook hanging from the ceiling about 30 feet away.  Tagar has a look at the hallway for traps but didn't notice anything specific. (Tagar did a search with a minus for the mist, if he would have focused on the floor I would have given it to him. He rolled badly as well.)

***(Errata from the game: To the east of the trapped floor there is a hallway leading off into the dark, its very dark down there. I should have mentioned it while playing but it was hidden from me slightly by the Roll20 thing so I forgot it. I just noticed it as I was writing my session notes. My apologies.)***

Everyone makes their way towards the meat-hook and walks around it, as Greg and Thad the Man at arms make their way into the area in front of the meat-hook both of them hears a "click" and realizes the sound comes from the floor.  (Now everyone that hears the click has a split second decision to make, lets hope its the right one) Thad make a jump for the meat-hook, (Rolls his dex score exactly).  Greg rolls a 2 and takes a quick jump back and makes it.  All of this happens before anyone realizes whats going on.

The floor drops out from under their feet just as Greg and Thad make their quick escape from the trap. Greg is on the North side of the trap and everyone else is on the south side over by the meat-hook.  Gregoire can see the previously turned skeletons making their way towards the hall.  While he is trying to figure out how to get across Tagar puts on the boots of levitation and ties a rope to the top of the meat-hook chain and floats over to Greg to give him the rope.  Greg tries to swing across and the rope comes untied and he falls.  (Did a dex check and the failed).  He is falling towards the south side of the pit does he make it? (No, he fails his dex check again and falls into the pit). As Gregoire falls, he just misses the southern edge of the pit and slides down a chute into complete darkness).

Greg hits the bottom with a thud and hurts his ankle a bit but otherwise he is not too damaged.  Before he can cast his light spell he can hear some arguing and banter in a guttural tongue he can't understand.  He keeps quiet and waits and can see some large looking beasts marching by the hallway.  The crew is busy up top putting together a long rope to drop down to Gregoire to help him up.

Gregoire makes his way up the shaft and gets back safely.  Thanks team!  Tagar decides to have a look below and floats down the shaft using his infra-vision.  He gets to the bottom and it looks like this trap was set up to receive adventurers or anyone else who may have something to steal.  There are fearsome faces carved in walls; bloodstains; broken weapons & equipment.  The area is more humid and warm.  The hallway north looks a bit ominous. Rotted straw; skeletal remains of some great, unidentifiable beast; rotting corpses. Giant 3' long bloated flies buzzing around some corpses.  To the south is a closed portcullis. Time to go back up!

When the team is reassembled they make their way down the hall and the wall breaks open and two angry zombies come out and attack.  As they get dispatched they see a room off to the east and hear wet dragging sounds as well as rattling.  As they get in the door they see a whole mess of skeletons and meat-bags shuffling and moaning towards them.  A lot of fighting and and fire and choke points happen.  A whole bunch of zombies bite the dust and a few are turned, a bunch of skeletons are turned and all shamble away in fear towards the darkness.  The room has very high ceilings and pillars everywhere.  There isnt enough light to see everywhere as the room is huge.

As the PCs make their way back to the hallway they are a little safer for having eliminated the most immediate danger.  All the PCs are exhausted at this point since they haven't rested in a while.  Everyone will need to find a safe place to rest for at least an hour or else everyone will be fighting at a -1 penalty.


Bill, Greg, Robbie, Andrew, Pete.

Chris (He was in town nursing some wounds and thinking of his next scam, scheme or devious plan)
It is very possible he is worried about his crew and may grab a hire and make his way back.  Who knows.

1.) At the start of each session tell me who is holding the torch. We need to keep track of this.

2.) Who has each potion? 6 potions of healing, 2 Potion invisibility, 2 potions of slipperiness, 2 potion (gaseous form), 3 Potions of Invulnerability, 2 Poly-morph Self, 1 Flying, 1 Giant Strength?

3.) Druid hit level 3 in session 12, needs to roll 1d6 for HP beginning of next session.

4.) Thief hit level 3 in session 12 needs to roll 1d4 for HP beginning of next session.

5.) Don't forget to remove the resources you used from your character sheet.  Oil, Spells and potions etc.

6.) Please keep track of your own hit points.  I have ALOT to keep track of so I do not always remember what was happening.  I know a number of you are damaged and only one heal was given to the cat and whoever had 1 HP left.

XP Calculation Session 13:


5 Skellys Killed, 10 turned (150 XP)
10 Zombies Killed, 4 turned (280 XP)

Feats of Awesomeness:
Successful rescue of Gregoire from the pit trap before the army below could get him. (500 XP)

Total XP: 930 (Not counted until you reach the town safely)

XP Calculation Session 12:

Total XP: 670 (Not counted until you reach the town safely)

1600 XP for session 12 and 13 split between players

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