Our crew continues to smash and bash the crypts and finally gets to a room they thought was a crypt but was really a sort of room for this strange looking fellow. You see a gruesome human male. His overlong arms and legs, knobby knees, and pot belly give him a spider-like appearance, but it is his virulent strain of leprosy that makes him truly horrifying. His gray hair is falling out, open sores dot his face and hands, and his nose has rotted away completely. The man dresses in homespun robes that cover his black chain-mail hauberk. He‘s armed with a quarterstaff .
The man is angry and shouts that he wants to be left alone and his eyes look like they are filled with angry fire! A fight starts and the gruesome man starts chanting and then Bill runs into an empty crypt nearby in fear. The rest of the crew fights him and he takes some damage. Then another bit of chanting and 2 of you are stiff and can't move. The others take him out and Bill comes back and the ones being held fast are let loose. They search the room and only find a ring which you deduce is magical.
Once the fight ends the crew makes their way to the spiral stairs leading down. They stare at the dead kobold and the dried blood and decide maybe they could go down the stairs later. They make their way to the double doors to the south and exit the crypt area.
The room they enter is next to some kobold barracks. The angry orc was ready to murder them all but the magic user coaxes him back and starts a dialog. They are actually at the Kobold Korners! Its the market place they had been looking for! The kobolds at the gate demand politely to turn in your weapons if you want to enter the market. You may keep your daggers but nothing larger. The group debates a bit and acquiesce to their requirements. This is a neutral zone and there is no fighting tolerated (not saying that it doesn't happen now and again)
They make their way into the Kobold Korners. This central marketplace is a bustling bazaar filled with lots of noise and cooking smells, you see creatures of all types conducting business. Each canvas and wood stall is operated by a few kobolds. You see Orcs (2), Goblins (2), Evil Acolytes (2), Brigands (3), Hobgoblins (2), Gnolls (3), Lizardfolk (2) present here conducting business. There were groups of Kobolds patrolling along with some (heavily armed) bugbear thugs to protect them.
You spend a few hours walking and observing.
Junk Merchant: questionable quality at first glance
Cobbler: Footwear sold & repaired
Blacksmith: Simple smithy work done
Rope-maker: Sells hemp rope
Fletcher: Sells arrows & bolts
Weapon-smith: Sells small & short weapons
Snake Vendor: Live or fried snakes for sale
Tailor: Clothing sold & repaired
Weaver: Sells course cloth
Barber: Hair cut, scales buffed, fangs sharpened, wounds treated, and leeches applied (1 cp – 5 sp).
Water Seller: Refills water skins
Armorer: Leather & chain armor
Grocer: rations for sale (You sure about that??!)
Soothsayer: Questions answered
Brew Tent: Alcoholic beverages. Lots of mushroom ale which is delicious and protects you for a few turns from green slimes. 5 sp per cup
Opium Den: Sells halfling weed for 10 gp per use, Heavily robed person, black robe with strange sigils in dark purple.
Near the bazaar
-cafe: "Rat Kebab Kafe": Clattering of crockery; squeaks; crude tables & chairs; kobold haute cuisine.
-Inn: Makeshift sleeping partitions; straw & fur beds.
-Tavern: "Sounds of raucous recreation; crude tables & chairs; makeshift bar; casks; crude drinking ware. Koboldstaff (10) & patrons of various creature types coming in and out. The hobgoblins and the brigands are eyeing each other harshly. Trustee is in the corner with some folks. (and bugbear bodyguards)
Trustee Sniv, a corpulent kobold who wears a tattered fur coat, a red fez, and a monocle, invites you to join him. He has a demeanor similar to Saul from Breaking Bad. After some back and forth with him you learn that he has some cool info for you. He thanks you for dealing with the gecko a while back because it was eating his staff.
1.) He wants to set up a trade route for his Mushroom Ale, which is actually pretty good, it protects you from green slime. He gives you two wine bottles full for samples. Will pay 500 GP for the deal, will deliver the ale as far as the canyon outside the dungeon and someone else would have to pick it up. Looking for regular trade.
2.) He tells you the Orcs and Goblins are at war and the Orcs have the upper hand. (Its all good for business)
3.) He tells you about the stairs to the next level and can describe how to get to the stairs leading out but you would have to go through the area where the orcs are fighting, its just a little risky but doable.
4.) You find out you killed Malfreces Nul back in the crypts.
5.) You tell him how you cleared the crypts and made it clear for them and he tells you (with a snicker) it will be filled back up in no time with nasty un-dead again, just you wait and see.
On your way out of the Korners you see Trustee again in the market. He is talking to an elegant looking woman dressed in fine, albeit out-of-date, gowns and wears a veil of thick black lace, accompanied by her brutish looking ogre bodyguards and a robed human companion. You see her talking to Trustee and observe her hand him a small sack in return for what looks like a parchment or scroll rolled up.
After this you grab your weapons and head south down a hallway. you see in one room a bunch of large (5‘ long) black beetles tied to a network of leather straps and saddle bags laden with goods. There are some Kobold handlers tending to them. You talk to them about "borrowing" one of these beetles but they tell you that they need you to talk to the boss, trustee. They look really interested in the gold you flash around but are more scared of their boss and don't allow you to just buy one.
You keep going south and find you way into a stinking trash room. On the walls are Bas-reliefs of some forgotten deity and a dragon.A sacrificial pit half-filled with waste; foul stench; filth encrusted floor. Empty otherwise. Doing a thorough search you discover that the tail of the dragon can be pushed in but you decide to wait.
You make your way out of the dungeon and find your way to the gatehouse. You see a bear and Bill, the hippy druid he is, casts charm animal on him and the bear follows you home.
When you get back to town the people in the tavern look in amazement. Some of them mention they have seen that bear! He is frequently seen at in the cavern by adventurers traveling there. It is uncertain when the practice began or who started it, but the bear has acquired the nickname "Coal" by the regular adventuring parties who enter the canyon on their way to Stonehell Dungeon. The great bear has become a mascot and a sign of good fortune for adventurers. Veteran delvers of Stonehell sometimes leave gifts of food, full wine-skins, or even old equipment as tribute to Coal in the belief that such tokens result in good luck during their dungeon expeditions. Sighting Coal before entering the dungeon is seen as especially fortunate and is taken to mean that a particularly large haul of treasure awaits the party below.
Things to do in town (Lets see what we can wrap up before next session. Each person tell me what they want to do.)
1.) Talk to someone about the mushroom ale.
2.) Have the magic item checked out.
3.) Turn in the stuff you found and add to the bank.
4.) Deal with the bear
5.) Talk to the cleric about Malfreces Nul.
Session 19:
skellys 30 XP
zombies 60 XP
Malfreces Nul 100 XP
5 EP in silk pouch (Very nice worth 10GP)
100 GP in crypt
Multiple unholy idols and symbols taken from Malfreses Nuls room
Ring (magic)
250 XP for Mal Fresesnul info to cleric
100 XP for not fighting the kobolds
Bear 200 XP
(500XP if you successfully establish a trade route)
Mushroom Ale deal. (500 GP to the crew once trade route established)
Session 18:
2 Ghouls: 50 XP
9 Zombies: 180 XP
11 Skeletons: 110 XP
Gold Bracelet: 150 XP
Amulet: 100 XP
XP Totals 18 and 19:
1250 XP (1750 XP)
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