04 June 2020

Session 20: Happy Fun Ooze

Our PCs decide to go to the tavern and talk with the innkeeper about buying ale from the Korners, and he replied that he'd been looking for someone to bring him the mushroom ale from the tavern in the Korners! Logistics were worked out, prices settled on, and some ale was bought! Good times.

You get the ring checked out and its not cursed and they cant figure out what it does.  You put it on and your eye pops out!  Its as hard as a marble but you can see through it.  You take some time getting used to it and discover covering your other eye helps.  You take off the ring and your eye goes right back in just like normal.  Don't lose it! (Your eye I mean)

You tell the Cleric about how you killed Malfrese nul.  His eyes quickly flash with anger but its only a flash.  He settles down and smiles.  You give him the trinkets and idols which he is very interested in.  He thanks you and asks you to keep reporting on what you find.

You guys make it back to the Korners and talk to Trustee He tells you more about the Malfrese nul and that the cultists you killed were looking for him as well.  They often frequent the market, and some of them still do.  You get your 500 GP and a round of mushroom ale after turning in the signed contract from the tavern owner.  He also sets you up with a flask each.  You ask about borrowing a beetle for carrying lots of stuff.  He said it will cost 10GP each time and you will only get it to the stairs.  From there you are on your own since they hate the light.  A Kobold handler will need to operate.  You should tip him as well. :)

You make your way to the trash room and enter the secret door.  You make your way passed a few seemingly empty rooms and discover a room with a brass (summoning?) circle inlayed into the floor and a couple of grey looking amoebas lurching around the floor.  You guys pour oil on the floor and try to light it.  The torch bearer is so scared he screws up the throw and it completely misses everything.  One of the psedopods reaches out like an arm and whollops the half orc, he takes a good bit of damage from that hit.  Another hit just completely smashed Thad, you try to revive him but he isnt responding.  Yeah hes gone.  Finally after some back and forth the grey things turn to liquid and dissipate.   In the room you find a silver mirror which looks valuable and a book stand.

You cross into the next room and the first thing you see is an orb that starts glowing and floating about 4 feet off the ground.  Its sort of pulsating a lavender color.  The room has a table that has been destroyed by what could only be an implosion of some kind.  Multiple unrecognizable tools are scattered around and have been destroyed as well.  What ever happened in here happened a great many years ago.  As everyone files in they see a brass door to the north covered in some strange glyphs.  There is a door at every side.  The crew checks the north door and suddenly the magic user feels something in his pocket.  Its like his wand had some kind of an energy surge.  This happens 2 more times before everyone hurries out of the south door. (Robbie ran more quickly out of the west door that you came in.)

In the south room are some zombified dudes wearing old tattered robes.  They come for you and the torch bearer gets it this time.  He is whalloped by a zombie and is no longer with us. Sorry so sad.  The crew heads through the east door and carefully down the hall.  In that room is a table with no legs just floating there at table height.  There are chairs around it, silverware and a nice silver bowl.  After carefully looking around the room they head east again to a door.  Inside that room they see ruined items of bizarre origin, heads & skulls of fantastic creatures, and plaques & statuettes line the walls.  It is otherwise empty.

They head back west and go to the north door they passed earlier.  The door opens and it is as if the door hasn't been opened in their lifetime.  The air is sucked in and the orc enters. Ruined & rusty kitchen supplies.  He checks it out and sees another door.  Before he can open it the rest file in and about 10 seconds later WHHHOOOSSSH.  All the lights are out and everyone is putting out little fires on them selves.  They hit a pocket of natural gas and everyone took damage. (Everyone failed their save and their check to see if they smelled gas).  They decide enough is enough and head back to the trophy room to rest.  They cast spells and drink some wine and eventually recover.

4 Zombies 120 XP
3 Gobbler Oozes 30 XP

500 GP (XP was calculated last session) NO XP
6 flasks of mushroom ale

Total XP Session 20: 150 XP

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