20 September 2020

Session 26: Straight Jacked by a Straight Jacket

July 30th

In the last session everyone was waiting for Robbie to reappear and when he finally did they made their way to the stairs.  After a brief encounter with some creatures that wanted to make a trade they decided to follow them down the stairs to the 2nd floor.   I mean why the hell not?  Just before that they saw some broken statues, low plinths, One statue standing up.  A scholarly looking man holding a scale. Pull down the scale and compartment opens, They found a random key and a nice Gold nugget.

After creeping around on the 2nd floor they made it to one room (15) where they heard some hushed whispers and decided not to stay long enough to hear what they were saying or even try to.  Kinda spooky.

They found another room (8) with a door at the far end that had a 5‘ tall stone head of a bearded, bald man (weighs a whole lot and is obviously taken from some larger statue) lies on floor.

The next room (9) filled with dusty urns, amphorae, buckets, barrels & other round containers. Most contain rank liquids of various types.  They spend 3 turns in there and found about 600 SP and 600 GP searching.  A few monster attacks (3 spitting beetles) didn't deter them from potential LOOT.

In another room (13) they encountered a few black widow spiders.  Awful fight, dangerous big bugs.  Some really close calls.  Maybe need to rethink their "kick in the door waving the .44" mentality.  They did find some good loot. 6 fat gems...

Another inviting room (11) they stepped into had a sweet trip wire! "Click", oh no the bear gets a close shave by a scything blade swooped down and nicked him good.

The next room (12) was a small completely padded cell. There was a straight jacket on the floor and it attacked the first person that walked in.  It enveloped them and luckily they were able to strong arm their way out of the aggressive, enchanted jacket.  After some fighting, wrestling and good rolls they were able to save the jacket and tie it up good and save it.

  • 1 aggressive straight jacket
  • 1 gold nugget
  • 600 SP
  • 600 GP
  • 6 gems

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