22 February 2021

Combat Update

Hey All,

After some thought and past discussions with Bill and Andrew I feel like we need to simplify combat a little. We should fight in turn order and resolve all our actions on our turn.  For example:

1. Declare spells and retreats
2. Initiative: Each side rolls 1d6
3. Winning side acts:

   a. Monster morale
   b. Movement
   c. Missile attacks
   d. Spell casting
   e. Melee attacks

4. Other sides act: In initiative order.

So now for each person’s turn we will resolve all the actions at once.

   b. Movement
   c. Missile attacks
   d. Spell casting
   e. Melee attacks

When it is your turn you will move first if you are moving at all.
Then you can shoot a missile weapon, or melee.
If you didn’t move you can cast a spell.
All at once as opposed to all moving at once, then missiles if anyone is shooting, then melee is anyone is fighting.


So, if we have 3 people fighting and the turn order is:

Combat could look like this.
1.) Robbie will move and/or cast spells and attack
2.) Bill will move and attack with his sword
3.) Andrew will move behind the orc and back stab.

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