26 June 2019

Session 1: Shipwrecked! (Grab the Pesh!!)

Session Played 4/26/2019
Day 1

·       On your way to the port town of Ravens Dell you are in a Shipwreck and are rumored to be the only survivors.
·       Cleric (Waalter) of the tower found you shipwrecked on the shores just outside of Ravens Dell.  You were the only survivors.  The Cleric says he saw you in a vision and took you in.  He keeps rambling about how you maybe "the chosen".  Once you notice the rings on your fingers that were not there before it seems that there is more to you then meets the eye.
·        The rings are not very noticeable at first and seem very plain.   You can barely feel them.  You cannot remove them. Where did they come from?  Even Waalter the Cleric does not know but feels that it is a sign that the gods look favorably on you. You feel slightly different with them on. (Added bonuses for the magical effects when creating your characters)

·        Cleric adds more info:
Goblin Raiders into some of the local villages and along the main road.  Undead are cropping up closer to the dungeon it self at night.  This is all a new development.  For many years the dungeon was just a place that was left alone.  Everyone pretended it didn’t exist. Well some of us did...
·        The Cleric tells you that you will be paid for each level of the dungeon that you map and all the information you gather from that exploration.  What monsters are taking up residence there?  Any super natural activity? Why are the dead restless?  Stonehell Dungeon has been visited by countless adventurers but rarely return.
·        Final payment will be remitted once you determine the root cause of the heightened activity and a bonus for resolving it. (Long term goal, there will be mini quests)
·       You can keep anything you take from the dungeon and stay in the tavern for free in between delves.  You can safely keep equipment there that you are unable to carry.

·         You created your characters at this point.
o   Crom the Elven Thief (Dude)
o   Ormal the Human Magic User (Chick)
o   Boomore the Fighter Half Orc (Gender Neutral)
o   Caine the Human Druid (dude)

·       Everyone pooled together their gold and stopped at Ye Olde Bloodbath & Beyonde and picked up some equipment for the group, Since Ormal was so rich she got an extra crossbow for the hirelings. (I think it was her)

·       Everyone heads to the local Tavern the One Eyed Raven.  Everyone had a drink and talked to three potential hirelings. One passed out drunk. Hired the other 2 for 1 gp per day each.
o   Ool Man-at-Arms Human
o   Harforth Torch-Bearer Human

·         Heard 2 rumors from the bartender/bar owner and  her daughter the serving girl.
o   One section of the dungeon is filled with dangerous plants.
o   The orcs and goblins of Stonehell are sworn enemies.

·       Rowan bursts in tavern tells about goblins raiding his caravan. You agree to help Rowan's friend Roland who is hurt. Rowan barely escaped with his life.  The group agrees to help Rowan.
o   This is the first side quest.  There maybe more as you travel and explore the dungeon.

·       The group traveled North with no issues. Reached some ruins in the early afternoon. The Magic -User recognized that there was a small Pesh field hidden just off the road. The Thief goes in and collects as much as he can. The others find Roland dead and calls over thief to search the ruins. Find 10gp. 10 arrows. 2 potions (healing). (I accidentally gave this away, rookie mistake)

·       After finishing up the search you saw 3 goblins make their way toward the group. The goblins are abnormally aggressive towards the group. (Besides robbing shipping routes what else were they up to?)

·       The goblins come at the PCs. Before they could get there one goblin gets shot right in the head and goes down. Crom the thief rushes at the two that are left. (This is gonna end badly) The ugly one whacks Crom with his sword, slices into his leather armor and cuts him badly. (his wisdom score is really showing here) A few more bad swipes are taken by the group of Adventurers. The PCs take out one more goblin and as the last one tries to run the hired help Ool finishes him with his brand new crossbow. (Lucky we brought him along!)

·       Moraud the dwarven cleric walks up to Crom and tells him to relax. He takes the pain completely away. The wounds are gone and the gashes look like fresh new skin.

·      The travelers are tired. It's late afternoon.  The sun will be going down soon and it maybe a good idea to rest and collect your thoughts.

Haul from Session 1:
12gp.dagger, 10 arrows, supply of Pesh and Halfling weed,
30 xp Goblins
12 xp gold
1000 xp complete side quest (if you make it back to to the tavern)
200 xp Pesh and Halfling Weed
Fighter 310 -46 = 264
Druid 310 - 46 = 264
Theif 310 - 46 = 264
Wizard 310- 46 = 264
(0) level - Ool Man-at-Arms (1 GP per day) 93
Harforth Torch-Bearer (5 SP per day) 93

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