14 November 2019

House Rules Revised

Here are some custom rules for our game...

1. Reloading a crossbow:
Roll Under Dex. Success means you can reload each round and failure means 1 round to reload.

2. Nat 20 on a Save:
A Save that would otherwise halve damage, instead negates damage if a Natural 20 is rolled.

3. It Might Be There:
If, in a collection of items where the precise number and identity of each item is not stated, and a
player asks if an item that makes sense to be present is there, then have the player's character roll
under Cha. On a success, the item is present. On a failure, it is not.

4. Drugs Restore Magic: At the cost of hallucinations or Madness, psychedelic drugs allow casters to
restore lost spells/spell slots or cast more spells than they would usually be able to.

5. All 10ft Poles are Disassembling or Telescopic: 10ft poles are often silly. They are massive
and gong through cramped dungeon halls with them is weird, but it is cooler and makes more sense if they are always in several parts or are telescopic. Not so much a rule as a
justification for the fiction.

6. Disease Rules: CON of 3-8: new saving throw each MONTH, CON of 9-12: new saving throw
each WEEK, CON of 13+: new saving throw each DAY, you are at a -1 penalty for EVERYTHING
while diseased (even rolling your new HD if you level up).  If you ever roll a "1" on a saving throw,
you will automatically die in (CON/2) days without divine intervention.

7. "Dutch Courage" Dutch Courage: Any character may heal themselves by spending twenty
minutes binding their wounds, catching their breath, and consuming a pint of wine. Doing so
heals the character of 1d6 points of damage. This method of first aid may only be used once per

8. "Order of the d30" Once per game session, a player may choose to roll a d30 instead
of any normal dice roll. This cannot be used for any purpose during character creation or for
hit point rolls

9. "Two Weapon Fighting" Make one attack roll with no offhand penalties. On a hit you
roll each weapon's damage and the highest damage before applying bonuses takes effect.
On a crit (roll a 20) you can apply both weapon's damage. 

10. "Mortal Wounds" If anyone drops to zero HP, and someone can heal them before
the end of the round, they are ok. Hirelings not healed are just dead. Leveled characters
and henchman have u p to the number of levels in rounds to get healing.
(start with 2 rounds)

11. Level Drain from Un-Dead: You get a Saving throw vs. Death to avoid. Roll your HD
and you lose that much HP. Kill the progenitor of that particular group of undead to get
your levels back. Hunt down the "King wraith,".  Once they've drained, they become
"sensitive" to undead. Think of how Frodo acted when the Nazgul were near,
after he was wounded by a Morgul blade.

12. Thief Rules Adjustment:
Increase your Thief skills chance for success by 5% per Dex modifier to success.
Then when attempting a skill roll a 1d4 which would add a 5,10,15,20 percent
towards that success.

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