Gregoire casts detect evil on the elf in the tavern while he isn't looking, there is nothing evil about him. You had already cast detect magic in the altar room and that ring did not glow. He is just an impatient elf who is eager to get on with his family business and mourn his lost cousin. He has documentation to prove that he indeed is the next in line to inherit the family estate with a sketch of the signet ring symbols. The man thanks you and gives you 500gp (You also get 1500XP for completing the quest. (Which included dealing with the evil clerics which would have been the elf's next request before hanging over any cash.
Level Up!
Chris the Thief and Gregiore the Cleric both level up! The others aren't too far off.
Bill tests the potion in the metal vial:
"I want to add three drops of the menthol potion to the hobbit weed cig I roll and smoke with the wizard and whoever else before dinner that evening."
Tavern potion test:
The wizard and everyone else passes on your request to make the test. They all sit around and watch you with interest. You light it up and take a huge drag. You expel the smoke. Once again you take another drag. Huge clouds off smoke around you. As you pull inward you feel a cold slightly burning/tingling sensation all throughout and like you are fading away, maybe out of existence all together. Halfling weed will do that too you. You also think it is extra intense. You have huge clouds of smoke around you and everyone else at the table. Everyone is looking now because you are gone! Wait no your not. You fade right back into existence. Everyone around you looks at you dumbfounded. You just seemed to fade away for a few moments. Everyone asks you what happened? You don't remember anything other then being right where you were the whole time except maybe that you were floating but that's the halfling weed talking.. You have a strong feeling of peace and euphoria, as well as a strong sense of hunger. You get a round on the house for the show and are none the worse for wear. (You also got one spell back tat you cast earlier) You think you know what the potion is now, you think its a potion of.................. (You fill in the blank here) You also make a note to try this again with the last few drops in the vial once you have officially quaffed it.
Magic Items:
1.) Longsword that chops good goes to Boomire.
2.) The boots are still comfy. They are boots of levitation (-100gp)
3.) Robbie lights up a haystack with a magic missile after trying a million things.
4.) The one unknown potion is healing (-50gp)
5.) The staff is a staff of snakes (Only the Cleric can use it) (-100gp)
6.) Bill says the potion he smoked was either eternalness or invisibility. (Boomer had it checked out its Gaseous Form) (-50)
Boots of Levitation:
The wearer is able to move up and down through the air at will. ▶ Vertical: The caster mentally directs vertical movement at up to 20’ per round. ▶ Horizontal: The caster can push against solid objects to move laterally. ▶ Weight: A normal amount of weight can be carried while levitating. ▶ Usage: The enchantment may be used without limit of frequency or duration.
Staff of Snakes:
A magical staff that has the power to transform into a snake, on command. ▶ Divine magic: Usable by divine spell casters only. ▶ In melee: Treated as a staff with a +1 magic bonus to attacks and damage. ▶ On a successful hit: Upon a human-sized (or smaller) creature, the wielder of the staff may speak the command word, causing it to transform into a serpent and coil around the victim. ▶ Victims: Must save versus spells or be immobilized in the coils of the snake. Victims are completely helpless while held by the snake (1d4 turns, or released as the wielder of the staff commands). ▶ Snake: Has AC 5 [14], HD 3 (20hp), and a movement rate of 60’ (20’). ▶ When the victim is released: The snake returns to the owner and transforms back into a staff. (At this point, it is healed of any damage it has suffered.) ▶ If the snake is killed: It does not return to its staff form, becoming non-magical. ▶ No charges: Does not use charges; may be used any number of times.
The Druid approaches the table of obvious sellswords.
Meet Kilgar, Jarol and Thad...
Kilgar is pissed, he said the drink you bought for him was watered down and he dumps it out on the floor and walks away. He clearly had a bad day but to hell with him. Jarol and Thad are excited to help and think that who ever left you high and dry in the dungeon are utter fools. They just want a bonus with good hauls if you can dig it.
What you learned from the Cleric you report too (Waalter):
Malfreces (The one the cultists were looking for) bears the blessing of the Duke of Bones, a minor godling whose domain of control is the lesser undead. He is an evil Cleric and should be stopped no matter what he is doing. (Says Waalter) Even though the Cultists you killed were indeed evil their intention was to capture him and take him to their domain for their own purposes which would have been just fine for Waalter the Cleric. Malfreses avoided capture for many months prior to your crew being hired to investigate the dungeon. He would be glad to see him gone, one way or another. You really wonder why a "lawful good" cleric who works closely with the magistrate would care or even work with evil cultists to seek his demise. Who else maybe working for them and why? Your adventures will uncover more and more as time goes on you presume.
Waalter the cleric wants to have the golden flail from the "realm of the undead" and thinks its near where you were fighting the cultists. He asks that you recover this if you can.
Robbie: Your character should take read magic. I am going to give that to you as a bonus spell you know in your book. You will need to spend a week in town studying it. If you don't have it you will not be able to your scroll spells into your spell book. Everyone else will need to do the same thing.
Room and Board: Costs for room and board are being charged now at the tavern. Since you are earning cash you each have to pay 1gp per person per week. That includes meals. That's at a discount. Includes clean rooms, and a comfy hearth.
I will look at renting something bigger.
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