Back to our regularly scheduled program. While the hires are sobbing over their lost comrade the others are debating on their next move. Which way should we go? Should we sleep or go for it? There is an unopened door that's hard to resist. The druid decides to cast “Speak to Animals” on himself thinking there maybe a helpful dungeon squirrel or something along the way. Who knows in this place, right?
The group gets ready to open the door, they send the hires outside the other door with their lights so the others can use their super dark seeing vision when opening the door. They open the door and the thief makes his way down the hall along with the duregar,. The have a look and decide this isn’t going to take them where they want to go so they decide to sleep somewhere in the dungeon before they take on the cultists or anything else in this godsforsaken place.
On their way to the crypt they notice a strange absence of light. The hires have disappeared. Speculations are made all around but the only thing that is certain is that they are just gone. Best to keep on moving. They make it back to one of the cleared crypts and hole up for the night. Besides some weird wet slapping sounds outside the door over night everyone gets some rest.
After a long night of sleep and some spell prep the group makes their way towards the cultists through the stirges room. The duregar can’t remember exactly which door it is but one of the doors they are listening to has some weird orange glow and a smell of funny incense oozing from underneath. They start making grand plans to trap them or lure them out and attack. The place some lamp oil in a water-skin and secure it to the top of the door. The durgar says when they start coming out he will get it to magically light on fire and catch them on fire. The Druid tells the cat to make his way over to the door and scratch at it and make noise. Someone opens the door and tosses out a sack of meat which the cat happily brings back to the group. Doesn't look like they are coming out.
They decide to just walk in. The Druid opens the door walks in and starts talking to them. The lead cultist is standing there holding a wooden staff with a snake carved into it. Speaking of snakes, all 7 of them have some sort of snake type skin that looks quite expertly sewn on. Three of them are definitely a strange sort of experiment. One has Robot legs glowing green vein like tubes running through, standing like an ape. Another has a robot arm with glowing green vein like tubes running through the arms, ending with a razor sharp claw. Another has Giant hairy beast like green arms that don’t look quite like they belong. While the druid is talking to the leader and sort of distracting him, the leader looks like he wants to invite others in. He mentions that he has a proposition for them but before he can finish they all collapse. All 7 of them just pass-out and start snoozing right where they were standing. The Magic User just smiles and shrugs. She just goes back to the entrance and leans against the wall.
While the group is discussing how to handle the sleeping cultists they tie them up. The duregar has his knife out and is itching to kill them. The rest are debating weather to charm them, to question them, to kill them. Meanwhile the duregar is going around the room. He slits one throat, then another, then another. He gets to 4 before they stop him. The discussion starts again, they decide to drag the bodies out to the trapped part of the dungeon where they can drop the bodies into the water and hide them. Maybe they can wake up the leader and convince him to talk. While they are doing that the duregar dispatches the rest of them and leaves the leader alive. While the orc is dragging the last of the bodies to the pit, 2 skeletons rush him. The Cleric quickly turns them and they go running back down the hall.
A bit more questioning of the leader and they discover that the cultists were looking for Malfresce Nul, a cleric who can speak to the dead. They were part of the cult of Leigh who worships a petty god that practices body manipulation. After more discussion the duregar, the killer that he is, just decided enough is enough and kills the leader before you could learn more. The torture they put him through was too much for him to handle. They search him, and get a key and 30 Platinum pieces. They search the chest and find a wand, a scroll, a pair of boots and 100pp. They also grab his staff for good measure.
They then go bashing in the doors of the other crypts.
Crypt 1: 2 skellys are turned and dispatched, 100gp in a sack
Crypt 2: a strange cold undead human-shaped collection of shadows, dust, rotted burial linens, bone fragments, and other sepulcher debris. They dispatch him after turning him and find a long sword that seems magical and 2 gems.
Crypt 3: They kick their way in and go in for the attack. A huge asymmetrical collection of animate bones that have taken a crude human shape, this bone thing attacks the half orc with a flurry of splintered bone fists. He is attacked 3 times and takes some heavy damage! The cleric runs up to heal him, the cat takes some damage from a misfired crossbow. (Rolled a 1 on an attack that is being fired into melee at a -2 penalty). The big ugly thing finally goes down. Inside are Copper burial trinkets, A huge unmovable bag of sp and 5 pieces of beautiful burial jewelry. In life this beast must have been a rich SOB. The bag is so heavy they have to spend time splitting it up or just leave it. They decide to move on to the next room to get it later.
Crypt 4: The door is just kicked inward by the Orc and the 3 skeletons inside are ready for action. Instead of turning the skeletons the cleric nudges the others inside. The Orc Druid and Cleric make quick work of the skellys and find 5 small gems in the room.
After all of this fighting the group is exhausted and really feels like they need some rest. They decide to make their way back to the stairs and to town to get a few days rest. Its slow going, they are exhausted and have a huge amount of loot. They make their way all the way to the stairs and in the other side of the room they see 4 or 5 people dressed in leather armor and carrying shortswords. They seem a bit worse for wear but could be formidable. They ask the PCs for payment to leave with their loot. The PCs finish filing in the room and the brigands decide that they would rather not fight…..this time. Its dusk and night is falling so they make their way through the cavern as quickly as possible.
The group makes their way back to the tavern to rest after traveleing at almost half their normal speed. Since the duregar wouldn't be welcome in a place like this he climbs up to one of the PCs room to rest. Just as he starts his climb up the outside of the tavern wall some guards pass just under him. A few seconds earlier and they would have certainly seen him scurrying up the wall. He wants to make sure he can obtain materials for a hill dwarf disguise before mixing in with the people.
Things to do in town.
- Get your equipment/treasure turned in for gold and deposit in the bank.
- To make things easier I am going to let you hold onto a few gems and sell off the rest just to reduce confusion. Same with the weapons. You keep magic stuff.
- Check out those potions and magical items
- Spending GP on that is also worth XP
- You can test them out yourself and experiment if you want.(muahahaha)
- Find the elf who wants the signet ring to collect XP for a quest completion.
- If you can tell me how you want to handle this over email I can recalculate XP. Some of you are close to leveling up.
- Decide who gets what.
- Spend some money at the tavern (Carousing) if you have enough. Maybe just buy some equipment if you think you need something. (Can talk about that if you are interested)
You killed:
6 cultists @ 10 = 60xp
1 cultists leader @ 50xp
7 Skeletons @13 = 78xp
1 Crypt Shade @ 35xp
1 Bone Thing @ 50xp
273 xp kills
- 3 sets of chain mail = 50 x 3 = (150gp)
- 3 maces = 5 x 3 = (15gp)
- 1 potion
- 1 potion
- 30pp in pocket of leader (300gp)
- Magic staff from the cultists leader
- 1 wand
- 1 scroll
- Pair of boots (magic)
- 100 pp (1000gp)
- Crypt Skellys: 100gp in a sack
- Crypt Crypt Shade: 2 gems x 250gp each (500gp)
- Magic Long-sword
- Copper burial trinkets (120 gp value), 6,000 sp (600gp value) and 5 pieces of jewelry (2×30 gp, 500 gp and 2×1,300gp). (3160gp value)
- Crypt Skellys across from bone thing: 5 gems worth 50gp each (250gp)
6195gp value of all treasure.
Total XP session 11:
Session 10:
Things collected:
1 big blue gem (250gp)
1 gold necklace with red gem (500gp)
1 vial spider poison
2 fire beetle antenna
1 fire beetle guts
Things killed:
1 Fire Beetle (10 xp)
1 Crab Spider (10 xp)
4 Skeletons (52 xp)
6 Sturges (60 xp)
132 XP total kills
Total XP session 10:
882 xp
Session 9:
10 Platinum pieces (100gp)
2 Gems (100gp)
1 magical short sword (Jet Black)
Gold ring with a symbol on it (signet ring) quest item
4 Rats: 40 xp
Cool door kicking closed maneuver 100xp (Chris only)
Total XP session 9:
Total XP awarded last 3 sessions.
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